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Mission, Vision, Values & Aims



To further the sport of rugby, progress players to their highest potential in a constructive and safe environment, that includes discipline, commitment, integrity and honour both on and off the pitch.




Provide the best possible rugby experience, allowing each player the opportunity to reach their full individual potential.


Enable each player to have fun, make new friends, experience the rugby traditions and learn about participating positively in a team sport.


Values are Teamwork, Respect, Discipline, Sportsmanship and Enjoyment


Play as one Hub, while nurturing teamwork and a positive culture throughout all Stradey Sospans teams.


Produce an experience for each player to enjoy rugby and to have fun playing the sport.


Encourage an environment of teamwork, friendship, dedication, discipline and respect.


Progress a framework for achieving excellence, for both players and coaches.


Pursue the very highest standards of play.




Encourage the growth of a rugby family ethos, ensuring a warm welcome to new players and mentoring support for all.


Highly value volunteers, encourage growth of the game also provide support to every hub member both on and off the field.


Commit to creating a well - run rugby group with high standard coaching staff.

Our Story

In April 2016, the Welsh Rugby Union launched an initiative to encourage girls to become involved in playing rugby, have fun, learn basic rugby skills and make new friends. Stradey Sospans Girls Rugby Hub was established later that month, alongside Llanelli Wanderers RFC as our host club and base. Referred to as “Clusters”, starting small with just over twenty girls taking part that summer, the volunteers and coaches continued to actively promote the game of rugby and over time the number of girls taking part increased.


Our development has continued throughout our short history, from the outset with Ryan Jones, WRU Head of Participation and ITV Wales with us to promote girl’s rugby.  Appearances on S4C’s Heno and the BBC’s Scrum V, as well as articles in the Llanelli Star have helped in promoting the Hub during our early years.


The pause due to Covid 19, fortunately did not impact on the number of girls and volunteers returning on restart, in fact the number of girls, from all backgrounds, increased across the six age groups.


Last season, 2021, was the most successful for Stradey Sospans, picking up silverware for the first time. Our under 18's team, winners of the inaugural West Wales Plate competition also the under 15's team, finalists in their respective competition. Further highlights of the season, May Morgan, of our under 11’s squad, selected for Llanelli Schools under 11’s, the first girl from our Hub, such a unique honour. Also, twelve of the winning under 18's squad joined the Scarlets under 18’s squad. 


Synonymous throughout our history, the continuous hard work of all the committed volunteers and coaches to ensure all girls that participate enjoy their experience.


Starting the 2022 season at the home of our acknowledged partners Furnace United RFC, our story continues ......

Cenhadaeth, Gweledigaeth, Gwerthoedd a Nod



Er mwyn hybu rygbi, cynnydd chwaraewyr ymlaen i'w potensial uchaf mewn amgylchedd adeiladol a diogel, sy'n cynnwys disgyblaeth, ymrwymiad, uniondeb ac anrhydedd ar y cae ac oddi arno.




Darparu’r profiad rygbi gorau posibl, gan roi cyfle i bob chwaraewr gyrraedd ei botensial llawn.


Galluogi pob chwaraewr i gael hwyl, gwneud ffrindiau newydd, profi'r traddodiadau rygbi a dysgu am gymryd rhan yn gadarnhaol mewn chwaraeon tîm.


Gwerthoedd yw Gwaith Tîm, Parch, Disgyblaeth, Chwaraeon a Mwynhad


Chwarae fel un Hwb, gan feithrin gwaith tîm a diwylliant cadarnhaol ar draws holl dimau y Stradey Sospans.


Creu awyrgylch sy'n galluogi pob chwaraewr i fwynhau rygbi a chael hwyl yn chwarae'r gamp.


Annog amgylchedd o waith tîm, cyfeillgarwch, ymroddiad, disgyblaeth a pharch.


Datblygu fframwaith ar gyfer cyflawni rhagoriaeth, ar gyfer chwaraewyr a hyfforddwyr.


Mynd ar drywydd y safonau uchaf oll o chwarae.




Annog twf ethos teuluol rygbi, gan sicrhau croeso cynnes i chwaraewyr newydd a chefnogaeth mentora i bawb.


Gwerthfawrogi ein gwirfoddolwyr, annog twf y gêm a darparu cefnogaeth i bob aelod o'r hwb ar y cae ac oddi arno.


Ymrwymo i greu grŵp rygbi sy'n cael ei redeg yn dda gan tîm hyfforddi o safon uchel.

Ein Hanes

Ym mis Ebrill 2016, lansiodd Undeb Rygbi Cymru fenter i annog merched i gymryd rhan mewn chwarae rygbi, cael hwyl, dysgu sgiliau rygbi sylfaenol a gwneud ffrindiau newydd. Sefydlwyd Canolfan Rygbi Merched y Strade Sospans yn ddiweddarach y mis hwnnw, ochr yn ochr â Chlwb Rygbi Llanelli Wanderers fel ein clwb cynnal a’n canolfan. Cyfeirir ato fel “Clystyrau”, gan ddechrau’n fach gydag ychydig dros ugain o ferched yn cymryd rhan yr haf hwnnw, parhaodd y gwirfoddolwyr a’r hyfforddwyr i fynd ati i hyrwyddo’r gêm rygbi a thros amser cynyddodd nifer y merched a gymerodd ran.


Mae ein datblygiad wedi parhau trwy gydol ein hanes byr, o’r cychwyn cyntaf gyda Ryan Jones, Pennaeth Cyfranogiad URC ac ITV Cymru gyda ni i hyrwyddo rygbi merched. Mae ymddangosiadau ar rhaglennu fel Heno, S4C a Scrum V y BBC, yn ogystal ag erthyglau yn y Llanelli Star wedi helpu i hyrwyddo’r Hyb yn ystod ein blynyddoedd cynnar.


Yn ffodus, ni wnaeth y saib oherwydd Covid 19 effeithio ar nifer y merched a gwirfoddolwyr a ddychwelodd ar ailddechrau, mewn gwirionedd cynyddodd nifer y merched, o bob cefndir, ar draws y chwe grŵp oedran.


Y tymor diwethaf, 2021, oedd y mwyaf llwyddiannus i’r Stradey Sospans, gan godi llestri arian am y tro cyntaf. Ein tîm dan 18 oed, enillwyr cystadleuaeth Plât gyntaf Gorllewin Cymru hefyd y tîm dan 15, yn rownd derfynol eu cystadleuaeth. Uchafbwyntiau pellach y tymor, mae May Morgan, o’n carfan dan 11, wedi’i dewis i dîm dan 11 oed Ysgolion Llanelli, y ferch gyntaf o’n Hyb, yn anrhydedd mor unigryw. Hefyd, ymunodd deuddeg o’r tîm buddugol dan 18 â charfan dan 18 y Scarlets.


Yn gyfystyr trwy gydol ein hanes, mae gwaith caled parhaus yr holl wirfoddolwyr a hyfforddwyr ymroddedig i sicrhau bod pob merch sy'n cymryd rhan yn mwynhau eu profiad.


Gan ddechrau tymor 2022 yng nghartref ein partneriaid cydnabyddedig Clwb Rygbi Furnace United, mae ein stori yn parhau ......

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